Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween scare

Caller is complaining that there is a man in his 20's wearing a white jumpsuit and a mohawk and carrying a knife, and that he is scaring children on the street.

Neighborhood watcher?

Caller is complaining that his neighbor is filming him. Suspect is a 60-year-old white male.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Too many monster hot dogs

Medical call for a man with diabetic problems in the Costco food court.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What's in a name

Officer after pulling somebody over: I've got the name here and it's the longest first name I've ever seen in my life (proceeds to read a name with about 25 total letters)
Dispatch: 10-4. I'd like to hear you pronounce it now.
Officer: Yeah right.

Running late for school?

Report of a 6- to 7-year-old child alone walking north on N. 27th St. barefoot, wearing pyjamas.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Opening day of hunting season

Caller says that a truck drove past his house and a deer carcass flew out of the back. He would like police to come photograph the evidence and get a name from the Fish & Game tag.

One-vehicle rollover

Report of a woman who has tipped over in her electric wheelchair on Yellowstone River Road.

Sneaking out with God?

Dispatch: Missing persons report on a 76-year-old who has left Valley Health Care, possibly to go to church.
She is possibly with a 78-year-old man driving a gray Ford. Both have a history of diabetes, and she has a history of falling.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Throwing rocks

Dispatch says Snowbird (a local downtown character who listens to police scanners 24/7) is following people, harassing them and throwing rocks.

Cop (into radio): "Snowbird, KNOCK IT OFF!"


Dispatch: "Medic 1 respond to Billings Clinic, parking lot nearest the emergency room. Caller says they can't get out of their car and security refuses to provide a wheelchair."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's a medicine ....

A person apparently overdosed on something and has a medical marijuana card...
First Officer: "I didn't know you could overdose on marijuana."
Second Officer: "It's medicine. You can overdo medicine."
First Officer: "That's right, silly me."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Somebody's been watching too many old westerns

Dispatch: Weapons complaint at XXXXX. Caller says she just saw two men running through the alley behind this address. One of them had a rifle and the other had a bow and arrow.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Is it blocking traffic?

Cop: "Responding to XXXXXXX. We've got a one-wheelchair rollover."

Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's not like he's stealing it

Dispatch: The complainant says that one of the suspects is taking garbage out of the back of a pickup truck and throwing it away at the Holiday gas station. It looks like a box of Budweiser.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

That neighborhood association is tough

Dispatch: Complainant says that his neighbor won't let him mow his lawn. This issue stems from a dog (or maybe drug, the scanner was a little garbled) complaint.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Caller reporting that there is a man passed out in the lobby of the Hobby Lobby store, in the seasonal department.

That narrows it down

Dispatch: Respond to XXXX for a weapons complaint. Complainant says the suspect is short, fat and has a gun.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

That time machine must be acting up again

Dispatcher: Officers respond to (address) for an alarm going off. Zone is "Hot Tub Motion Detector."

Friday, October 8, 2010

At least a unicorn wasn't driving...

Officer (after pulling over an erratic driver): I'll be clearing the scene. The driver said he saw a UFO and freaked out.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Clearly, he is not the king of the jungle

Medical call at Two Moon Park for a man who fell 20 feet out of a tree. He is awake and breathing.

Call Green Man!

Caller is reporting that there is a person in the Wells Fargo parking lot dumping oil down the storm drain. Vehicle is described as a Toyota Tundra.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's the fashion police

Dispatch: Suspect is wearing a black shirt and purple pants. After Labor Day.

At least he remembered the number for 9-1-1

Dispatch: Officers respond to OZ Fitness for a man who has lost his memory.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

That should make pulling them over easy

Dispatch: We've got a report of two vehicles at Shiloh and Grand driving extremely slow on purpose and trying to hold up traffic.

Waving hello, perhaps?

Weapons complaint at 24th and Lewis for a man waving a 10-inch knife at traffic. He is 6' 200 lbs. and wearing a tan jacket and red pants.

Street show

Officer: We've got a guy dancing in the middle of the street ... he's blocking traffic. He's in front of a dental clinic. Twenties, male, black is our only description...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ghost with a sense of humor...

Dispatch: "Respond to XXXXXX. Complainant there says there's a 28-year-old woman who keeps running in and out of the apartment screaming that a ghost keeps turning her radio on and off. Suspect is wearing a pink half shirt and short denim miniskirt, possibly on 47 (drugs). The complainant is requesting that you check the welfare of the children there."

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ridin' the rails isn't as easy as you think

Report of a man who was seen running along the train tracks trying to jump onto a moving train. He fell and hit his head, but does not believe he needs medical attention. He is possibly intoxicated.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Maybe he's just stopping to smell the flowers?

Medical call for a man in a wheelchair passed out in a planter on Montana Ave. A passerby believes he might need medical attention.